Nutrition and Holistic Wellness


The MELA Reset: Summer

The MELA Reset: Summer


The MELA Reset: Summer is a 14-day meal plan and guide to reset, optimize your health and feel your best. This is a self-paced program that you can start at your convenience.

When you purchase the MELA Reset: Summer, you’ll receive our 2 digital e-books:

The Guide: a 28-page guide with a game plan to help set you up for success, along with our top insider nutrition and healthy lifestyle tips.

The Meal Plan and Recipe Packet: a 74 page packet including a two-week suggested meal plan, 39 delicious and healthy recipes, MELA’s grocery guide & MELA’s favorite sweet treats.

While the reset is not a weight loss program, many clients will experience weight loss after the two-week reset. Moreover, this is a plan to lower inflammation, boost mood and energy, optimize sleep, improve digestion, gut health and skin, reduce cravings and detoxify the system.

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What are the potential benefits of a reset?
After completing the reset, you will likely:

  • Feel great and renewed (this might include weight loss, more energy and focus, improved sleep, mood, digestion and/or glowing skin).

  • Have a better understanding of what foods make you feel great and those that do not, and how to structure your meals to optimize your health.

  • Gain tools and habits that you can sustain and incorporate in your daily lives, long after the reset. With continued use, these habits can yield major long-term results.

  • Have a repertoire of go-to delicious, healthy meals that you can always return to when you want to reset.

  • Reset cravings and feel more in control of your food choices

What can I expect to eat?
This is by no means a restrictive diet plan, but the foods, portion sizes and timing of your meals might be different from how you are used to eating.

  • What’s in: You’ll eat real meals regularly throughout the day (no juice cleanses or fasts here) with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean sources of animal protein, healthy fats, legumes and some whole grains. We emphasize in-season produce to maximize the nutrients and flavor of your food.

  • What’s out: This plan does eliminate two common inflammatory compounds that many of us are sensitive to: alcohol and gluten. Additionally, you won’t be eating any ultra-processed foods.

  • What’s optional: High quality dairy is optional. While it’s a food group that some can be sensitive to, it’s healthful for those who can tolerate it.