Nutrition and Holistic Wellness

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the daily green


the daily green
serves 1

1 cup unsweetened vanilla or plain almond milk (we use Malk)
2 handfuls spinach or kale (fresh or frozen)
1 tablespoon unsweetened almond butter
1 serving vanilla plant-based protein powder or collagen peptides (we use Livwell or Vital Proteins)
1 pitted date or 1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen cauliflower rice (for a thicker, creamier texture; optional)
dash of cinnamon


  1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Serve.

  2. Note: if you prefer a thicker and icier constancy for your smoothie, add in 2-4 ice cubes or 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower rice. If you prefer a thinner smoothie, add more almond milk.