Nutrition and Holistic Wellness

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nori & 'kraut wraps


We love these little seaweed wraps for a quick and easy snack, complete with a good dose of tangy sauerkraut for a gut-health boost. If you’re not a fan of sauerkraut (or kimchi), feel free to skip or sub in any combination of thinly sliced raw vegetables.

Nori & ‘kraut wraps
1 serving

1 sheet of toasted nori (or untoasted, see note)
1 tablespoon organic hummus
1/4 avocado (slided)
2-3 tablespoons sauerkraut (or kimchi)


  1. Spread hummus evenly on nori, then layer with the avocado, sauerkraut and any other raw veggies, if including (see note).

  2. Drizzle with sriracha, roll up like a burrito and enjoy immediately!

If you purchase untoasted nori, simply hold it over a low open flame for a few seconds until it turns a brighter green (be careful! It will catch fire quickly).